Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Collecting Hobby Toys: A Fun Dive into Our Nostalgic Playground

Let’s face it: collecting hobby toys is like being a kid in a candy store—except now we have credit cards, and the toys are way cooler. From action figures to vintage collectibles, there’s a fascinating psychology behind why we can’t resist amassing these delightful treasures. Here’s a friendly peek into the reasons we love our hobby toys so much:

  • Nostalgia

    • Collectors are practically time travelers, using toys to relive childhood memories when adulting meant avoiding veggies! Those childhood favorites evoke warm feelings, transporting us back to simpler times.

  • The Hype of the Hunt:

    • Searching for rare toys feels like a treasure hunt, minus the pirates (unless you count the occasional scalper)! Discoveries release dopamine, making us feel like we just struck gold in the collecting lottery—how awesome is that?

  • Self-Expression:

    • Every collection is a unique reflection of the collector—it’s like a personality quiz that proudly shouts, “I love toys!” From vintage gems to modern marvels, our collections showcase our tastes and quirks in the most colorful ways.

  • Sense of Achievement and Mastery:

    • Collecting gives us that satisfying feeling of accomplishment—like finishing a marathon (or running to the fridge)! Knowledge is key; collectors are like superheroes, armed with trivia about the rarest items out there. Also, a bragging right when you get to hold a HOLY GRAIL!  

  • Social Connection and the Toy Community:

    • Collecting isn’t a solo adventure; it’s all about bonding with fellow enthusiasts—who likely share that slight obsession! Online forums and events feel like group therapy where everyone proudly displays their toy treasures without fear of judgment and the place to find that coveted items.

  • Classic Toys’ Timeless Appeal:

    • Classic toys are that friend who never goes out of style—loved by kids and nostalgic adults alike! Iconic toys like LEGO and Barbie prove that some things improve with age (much like fine wine or your favorite dad jokes).

In conclusion, collecting hobby toys is much more than a fun pastime; it’s a delightful mixture of nostalgia, excitement, creativity, achievement, and community, all wrapped up in joy.​ So, whether you’re hunting for the next treasure or reminiscing over cherished items, embrace the playful spirit of collecting—after all, there’s a whole world of happiness waiting just behind that next toy aisle!

Sunday, September 01, 2024


Wow, it has been 14 years since I last visited this blog. So much has happened already: three Philippine presidents have served, the pandemic (Hi COVID!!), and I lost the job I had for 20 years. I decided to visit this blog, and wow, it still stands up to this day. Wow.

Now I'm embarking on new chapters of my career, taking a big leap of faith into copywriting. I have decided to pursue my passion for writing. I used to write way back then like for my school paper and this blog, but I stopped when I joined the corporate world, especially when I became busy because my job. I had the most fun being a Service Engineer for the past 20 years. BUT. The economy is still not recovering from the damages caused by COVID, and our company downsized, making me one of the unlucky ones. But I have accepted it and moved on. Change is inevitable, I must learn how adapt to change. I am done with technical writing and now I am returning to creative writing.

Now I can what I love, writtin' and chillin' like a villain.


So here we go, I'm resurrecting this blog to journal my journey to being a Copywriter. Hope and pray it would prosper. Even if nobody reads this, well not that I care but hope someone will.   

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

30 things to accomplish before the age 30

Here's my list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30. it'll be 4 months from now and I hope i'll accomplish all of it. hehehe
  • 1. have a Louis Vuitton shoes -DONE
    2. have a Paul Smith accessory - bought a wallet, DONE
    3. go bungee jumping
    4. ride the highest rollercoaster
    5. Travel to Sweden
    6. improve my driving (i'm a BAD driver!!!)
    7. watch a Manchester United football game
    8. go to K-Mart
    9. go to Verona, Italy
    10. see a live dugong
    11. have a dog, preferrably a Husky
    12. have a Harley Davidson Bike
    13. have a house in Baguio
    14. own a condo
    15. create something that will change the world
    16. have a bed ( i sleep in a foam..)
    17. go to Paris
    18. visit an inhibited beach - DONE
    19. watch a Green Day Concert, front row
    20. learn to play drums
    21. climb a mountain
    22. drive cross country
    23. cameo on a show, hahaha
    24. get lost somewhere
    25. Purchase property somewhere
    26. see a live tiger
    27. go to Serengeti Desert
    28. watch an NBA game with my dad, in the States not on TV
    29. eat bouillabaisse
    30. be a millionaire

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hi again...

after 4 years, i've decided to resurrect my blog account. something to talk about....